The school operates as an integral part of the Lilydale Parish. This is reflected in the close relationships between the school and the parish, manifest in the form of the Parish Priest, Pastoral Worker and parish team.
The parish grounds are home to : the Parish Church, the Presbytery, the parish Community Centre and the school.
For enquiries please contact:
St. Patrick’s Parish
Address: 65 Clarke St, Lilydale 3140
Ph: 03 9739 5977
Parish Priest: Father Francis Denton
Parish Secretary: Stephanie Johnson
Morning tea for all parishioners is held in the Community Centre following the 10.30 am Mass on the first Sunday of each month. Please join us.
Our choir sings each Sunday morning at 10.30 am. New members are always welcome!
Care Group Luncheons are held twice yearly. Our school choir sings. School families are asked to contribute food, and mums and dads are asked to help set up, help in the kitchen, or assist with cleaning up, in order to make the luncheon a special event for the elderly of our parish. Those who are elderly or gravely ill may receive the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick.
Care group visitation is available to support sick or elderly parishioners. Volunteers are always welcome to join the Visitation Team. Please let us know if you are aware of anyone who may appreciate a visit, or may benefit by receiving Holy Communion in the home when unable to attend Mass through ill health.
Parish groups include: the Social Committee, the Italian Prayer Group, the Rosary Group, the Christian Meditation Group, and the Care Group.
Sacramental preparation is available for adults (RCIA) and children (RCIC) who may have missed out on any of the Sacraments, including Baptism.
Adult faith education is available to anyone who is interested in learning what Catholics believe, or who may wish to become a Catholic. Catholics who wish to refresh their understanding of the Sacraments or of the Catholic Faith in general are also welcome.
The Parish levy that we ask all school families to pay on a yearly basis assists us to provide all of the services above to our parish family and local community, and as a sign of your support for St Patrick’s Parish, Lilydale.
We hope to see you soon!
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