School Overview
School Overview
St. Patrick’s is a key part of the wider Parish community of the Lilydale Parish. Located in Melbourne’s outer east, the school has a strong history harking back to its establishment in 1864.The present school is conveniently located adjacent to the parish church and the presbytery. The buildings were last updated in 2011 through the BER (Building Education Revolution) grant and the National School’s Project grant.
The 2024 enrolment of 235 students is divided into eleven class groups. There are : 2 x Prep, 3 x 1/2, 3 x 3/4, 3 x 5/6.
The students live in Lilydale and the surrounding areas, inclusive of Coldstream, Gruyere and Yering. Seventy percent of the school population is Catholic.
The staff group consists of fifteen full-time staff, eleven part-time staff, inclusive of Learning Support Officers, one Library Technician and two office personnel. Our staff includes an Italian, Art, STEM and P.E. teacher and Library technician. The six Learning Support Officers work with a range of children with identified learning difficulties. Funding is received to support these children and the school supplements this from its own budget to increase the number of students receiving support. In addition to the Principal and Deputy Principal staff leadership positions are inclusive of Religious Education, Mathematics, Literacy, Student Wellbeing, Learning & Teaching, Learning Diversity and eLearning.
A wide variety of extra-curricula opportunities are available to our students and include whole school wellbeing initiatives such as Bounce Back, Buddy Programs, Peaceful Kids, Choir, senior student leadership positions and the Student Representative Council. Interschool sport representation in swimming, athletics, cross country, tennis and basketball enhance the P-6 PE program and are supported by regular Round Robin competitions with other schools in the zone.
The parents are actively involved in the life of the school through the School Advisory Team and the Parents & Friends Association. The P&F includes an environmental sub-committee, Greenworks, which has adopted a conservation approach to the maintenance and development of the grounds. Working bees for parents occur each term which are generally well attended. In terms 1 and 4, these working bees are held after school on a Friday, Term 2&3 are Saturday functions and all include a barbecue on conclusion. The P&F also support services to the school community in the form of the Uniform Shop and Tuckshop. This compliments the social and fundraising exploits of this valuable group of parent volunteers. Parents are also the key providers of services that allow for the smooth running of the St. Patrick’s Netball and Basketball Clubs. Parental involvement in classrooms excursions and special activities is always welcomed.
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